Queenstown Golf Course – An incredible location

No other golf course in the world could surely lay claim to such a spectacular position as Queenstown Golf Course. Laying its lush green fairways and greens bare on a protruding finger of peninsula stretching out into the magnificently clear blue waters of Lake Wakatipu, and set with the jagged-tooth Remarkables Mountain range cutting i
nto the sky above, simply arriving into Queenstown Golf Course is enough to inspire any golf lover.

Needless to say, this intriguing course is a must-play for any golfer; it has been voted the most scenic golf course in New Zealand and is internationally renowned as one of the world’s most picturesque. The course was also chosen as one of the original “Must-do activities” by New Zealand’s AA 101list whilst travelling throughout New Zealand.

A parkland-style course where the local schist rock comes into play if you’re wayward, this is yet another course where you will use your camera more than your putter.

Queenstown is a members’ course that provides an exceptional level of enjoyment, good measure of challenge and at the same time, a pinch of forgiveness. It is not the most challenging course in Queenstown but it is surely the most breath-taking. This is quite an accolade given the region’s golf courses all punch above their weight when it comes to their incredible scenery.

Signature holes

Queenstown is a well-presented course; the fairways are well grassed and the greens ware large and undulating. It has lots of interesting holes that provide a degree of challenge, while at the same time rewarding straight hitting and good course management.

The fifth hole is really the only that requires golfers to consider the water, which makes it quite an intriguing hole given the entire course is flanked by deep-blue. Almost in-keeping with the majestic setting, the fairway of the fifth sweeps dramatically to the left and demands that golfers don’t tempt the rising Lake Wakatipu with a hook or slice off the tee.

Also, mark the tenth down as an absolute gem; it has absolutely incredible scenery with an exceptionally stunning background.

Its history

Queenstown Golf Club was formed in 1927 with the original layout a few miles away in Frankton, where there’s now a 9-hole golf course and driving range. In 1973, the club moved to the current location on Lake Wakatipu, which was formerly known as the Kelvin Heights Golf Course.

Fly through of Queenstown Golf Course


Tips for playing Queenstown Golf Course

Given its location, the wind can play a role if its blowing, however rain, wind or shine, the one thing you will want to remember is; don’t forget your camera!

Is Queenstown Golf Course on your must-play list? Join our New Zealand Golf Tour

If you’ve always wanted to play Queenstown;s truly breathtaking golf courses, including the amazing Queenstown Golf Course, going our New Zealand Golf Tour and make Queenstown your next golfing conquest. Find out more here or contact Kieran Moran on kieran@morangolftours.com.au or 0416 481 764.